
Limerick's Giant Granny

If you are living in Ireland, you've probably heard about the giant grandmother who took over the streets of Limerick last weekend.
Being the Irish City of Culture for 2014, Limerick had to deliver with its headline event. And that it did... To put it simply, a giant old lady roamed the streets for 3 days, covering 19km on her tour of the city, captivating the young, the old, and everyone in between.
Thousands gathered in the streets for what was described as the largest event in Limerick since the papal visit in 1979. Yes, you read correctly. So needless to say, it was a good show.

The Royal de Luxe street theatre company (based in Nantes, France) brought Limerick to life with their big friendly giant. The creative genius behind the company is Jean-Luc Courcoult, who has a background in theatre and the performing arts.
The excited buzz of the crowds was palpable in the moments leading up to the giant's arrival. She would turn a corner and prompt children to shout with glee at their first glimpses of the giant they've heard so much about.

Standing at around 25ft and weighing a tonne, the granny smiled and looked at her adoring fans around her. She walked with the aid of a walking-stick, and sometimes she even needed her wheelchair.

 Children looked on in amazement as the grandmother took in her surroundings. The atmosphere was electric as people struggled to take the whole scene in, looking on in awe. An open truck housing a live band drove behind the granny the entire time, playing original music to enhance the entire sensory experience.
The granny was as hilarious as she was awe-inspiring. Like us all, she occasionally needed to have a wee; in this case, the lilliputians dutifully helped her into position and respectfully turned away while she hitched up her skirt and took a leak on Limerick's busiest street. She also took advantage of our lovely whiskey while she was visiting, and she was pictured in the mornings sipping on a liquid breakfast.

As we all know, giant grans need giant dinners. This Limerick bus full of potatoes ensured that she didn't get hungry.
 Canons sounded at intervals, shooting explosions of confetti and streamers, which hung in the air for several minutes.

After Granny said farewell to Limerick, she was wheeled around in her giant bed, while the crowds applauded the lilliputians and the hundred or so local volunteers who helped the make the spectacle such a success.
 This loyal lilliputian held gran's hand during the final hurrah through the streets.
 Jean-Luc thanked the crowds as he furiously waved the Irish flag, keeping in time with the music.
Although everyone knew that the giant granny was inanimate, everyone in Limerick referred to her as a 'she' throughout the entire weekend, as if she was an old friend or relative. "Where is she now??" would be heard in amongst the other excited chatter about her antics from that morning, or what so-and-so had said about her.

The Limerick Giant will not be easily forgotten by anyone who experienced her. A massive pat on the back, congratulations and thanks are deserved for everyone who helped to stage the spectacular weekend.

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