

For most people, this time of year is pretty hectic in the run-up to Christmas. For students, however, there's the added pressure of the ever-looming Christmas exams.
I have to be honest, I don't have it too bad with exams this semester, but to compensate for that I have had lots and lots of essays and assignments. So understandably, I've been a busy bee for the last few weeks.

I've been really enjoying the Classic Yogi Tea flavour after discovering it this autumn. It's a spicy infusion; it's perfect for this time of year! Each teabag brings with it a motivational piece of life advice, a nice touch for those much-needed pick-me-ups.

Of late, I've been in the mood for staying in, wearing a pair of fluffy pyjamas and snuggling up by the fire in the stove. I especially love my loungewear when I'm in study mode; it makes working through the night that little bit more bearable!

My final year project (Undergraduate Dissertation/Thesis) is due on the 26th of January, so I know I'll be holed up in the library until then. However, I have a busy Christmas period of festivities coming up before then, so I'm looking forward to having a break and celebrating with my nearest and dearest.

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