
The 21 Selfies of Rome

Anyone who follows me on Instagram might have realised that when Nik and I get together, we are partial to taking a few selfies. Here's one of us loving life in France.

Usually, this is the result of having nobody else around to capture our funny moments together. Also, let's just say that the selfie song from earlier this year may have encouraged us...
Anyway, when I visited him in Rome this month, we decided that we would take a selfie for every day that I was there. We wanted loads of photos together to tide us over until our next rendezvous. Of course I also took photos on my camera whenever we went sightseeing, but the selfies were for us to record every day - however normal it may have been during our down-time.
One photo collage later (and can I say, I thought a photo collage would be light work, but try fitting 21 mismatched photos inside such a specific area) and I finally have this cutesy memento of my Roman Holiday.
I think this is a really cool idea for a holiday. Attached to every single selfie there's a joke, a conversation, a memory. Everyone can remember that they went to a place, but when I look at these selfies, I can remember how I felt when I was there. I think I may have to root out the colour printer...

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